Design Your Life

Don’t settle for it

In a world of false representation, fake lives lived on social media and yet a growing list of pressures and stresses to be what others want us to be or what we believe will allow us to be accepted there’s a distinct disconnect between who we are and who we want to be. 

The 12 weeks Design Your Life Program is a comprehensive program to walk you through three phases to Design Your Life rather than just settle for what life has handed you. 

  1. Understanding Who You Are.
  2. Knowing What You Want.
  3. Building Strategies to Achieve It.


Our Programs will equip you with all that you need to:

  • Take Control of Your Life and the direction it takes.

  • Learn Proven Systems to Create Meaningful Changes in your life.

  • Get Better Outcomes to live a life you’re truly proud of.

  • Avoid the Fluff and BS that a lot of self-help ‘gurus’ sell.

Social proof: testimonials

"The Best Investment"

Sheree 42yo

Signing up to the program has been the best investment I've made for myself in the last two years. I decided to sign up to the program to help me build the next layer to my mental and emotional strength. I knew I would be needing these skills to assist me in navigating my way through a challenging period that was ahead.

"Who I am VS Who I was"

Emma 27yo

Who I am today versus who I was before I met Glenn and started program with the Building Better Humans Project is almost indescribable. More confident. More in control of my life. Happier. Healthier. I can barely recognise the person I was before this journey started and I will never go back to that old version of me.

"Improved my self-confidence"

Ana 18yo

I joined to improve my self confidence and to learn more about myself. I have done both in an amazingly short period of time. I can’t recommend this highly enough

"Became more assertive with growth mindset"

Scott 38yo

Throughout this program I have learned to be more assertive. I am more aware when I get into the victim mentality mindset and have been able to shift my point of view more quickly. I love the Growth Mindset and have noticed a real shift since learning more about this.

"Gratitude, Positive Thinking, and Positive Self Talk"

Jamie 31yo

I have learned the importance of Gratitude, Positive Thinking and Positive Self Talk



  • + How long do I have access to the program?
  • + Can I make Payments?
  • + Do I get access to other courses as well?
  • + What if I am unsure if I am ready for this?
  • + How do I know this will work for me?
  • + What if I don’t have any support network to help me?